Saturday, September 5, 2020


Yes I know it's been a long time since I've done an update I'm still pretty new to writing a Blog and obviously I'm not keeping up on it daily but have sent a new intention out into the universe that I will keep on top of it daily as there is there is a lot of interesting information that passes by.
I still have not done my write-up for my trip to Zak Bagans haunted Museum last year for my birthday which is going to be a long entry but still should be keeping up with day-to-day activity which has since not slowed down, if anything is ramped up. 
It's gone from noises, electrical disturbances, equipment malfunctions, to full on... Here I am! Look at me, fear me.. Watch me, because I'm watching you. 
Luckily with more give rather than take I have collected loads of new EVP's, as well as some some DVP's caught by another floors surveillance camera. 
I just wish I could post video and sound clips instead of having to post them elsewhere then link to it. 

Still though, more to come.. I promise! 

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