As usual, I was alone upstairs in the loft when turning in for bed, I was saying some prayers including those for protection, and keeping any spirits with I'll intent away from the house.
As I was doing so, my neck started to burn... I mean really burn. Like someone had stuck a hot poker into it.
I got up and went to the bathroom and looked into the mirror, only to see a red mark become more pronounced before my eyes. The only thing I had on, was my cross which I wear nearly every day and night and is white gold chain and all, so could not have caused a skin irration.
As the seconds went by the mark started to look more like a symbol than a scratch, or an irritation. What I saw in the following moments still gives me goosebumps..
This is the mark about 5 minutes later, where I could clearly see where my cross was laying on my neck. The mark is now much more pronounced, has become raised, and looks almost branded on me. By that time I could clearly see an upside-down cross now scratched into my neck!
I have to admit, this was a bit much for my own house. Sure, I seek out proof of the unknown and try to experience as many things that most do not, but wow.
Nothing would stop the pain. I tried several ointments, an ice pack and still, it persisted to burn till the light broke through the night sky.
Now that I have been officially marked by this entity, I wonder what the future has to bring...