My paranormal experiences started when I was a young child.
I grew up in Point Robert's Washington. It is a small 5.4 square mile peninsula
right on the 49th parallel. It also is in a cluster of ley lines that intersect right on the area. If you look
at the map of Washington you will see a small bit of land over the line, that
is Point Robert's.
A great deal of the land is ancient burial ground, as it was
once occupied by the native American tribe of Tsawwassen, as proven through historical evidence
and information.
I did my senior paper on the area, and through the
historical society, library, and interviewing the older residents I learned
that it had never been an odd thing to experience the explainable. UFO enthusiasts know that it is an area where
there have been many sightings over the years (my first was when I was 7 years
old) .... but my paranormal experiences started when I was very young, even
before my first NDE. I was always into the macabre, loved horror movies, true
crime, I knew more about famous serial killers than I did pop culture.. and
that trend hasn't stopped. That seemed
to fuel my ability, because as I researched more, and knew more I could reach
out to that part of myself that I believe has always been there.
I was born with congenital heart disease and had my first
open heart surgery when I was 13 months old, and the second when I was 11.
Things really started to pick up after my first trip to the other side during
my open heart surgery when my hear stopped for 2 minutes and 37seconds. My second when I was 19 during a gallbladder removal surgery where they nicked my pancreas giving me a serious case of pancreatitis. I flatlined during surgery again for 1 minute and 42 seconds.
After each time I began to see and feel my senses heighten to feel and sense things that were seemingly not there. I would feel drastic changes in energy
depending on who I was around, and where I was.
When I was 13, my Nana whom I was very close with passed,
she was sick for some time and eventually the cancer took over her body. We were always very very close. I spent a lot
of my time with her while my Mum worked, and not only was I her namesake, but
we looked more alike than I did to either my Mum or Father.
The day she died, I was at school and I will never forget
the way the room looked, what day it was, even what I was wearing.. almost like
it was yesterday. I got this
overwhelming feeling of dread. I asked
to be excused to use the phone and call home and when I called to check on
nana, my mum had a difference in her voice, I could hear it so clearly... she
told me everything was fine, and I would see her after school. I found out that
night that my dear Nana passed away nearly 3 minutes before my phone call.
I feel some explanation was in need as it makes me who I am,
and gives me the deeper connection and sensitivity to the other side that a lot of others do not have.
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